Jim Adams is the host of the Masters in Fitness Business Podcast. A native of St. Louis, Jim is a fitness expert, entrepreneur, and popular speaker who knows what it takes to overcome adversity and follow your passion.
Years ago shortly after high school, a near-death experience changed the trajectory of Jim’s life forever. He became weak and frail. Doctors told him he should accept this new reality. But Jim refused. Instead, he fought back with strength and determination. And, he started doing something he’d never done before: he began to work out.
He continued working out in college while pursuing his degree in social work. Each semester, as he supplemented his core classes with electives, his destiny seemed to shift into focus as he found he was naturally gravitating toward classes like kinesiology, nutrition, and bodybuilding. After college, he began his career in social work. But when a friend opened a training studio and asked if he wanted to work with him, Jim couldn’t resist. As much as he loved the field of social work, he realized his true passion was fitness and training.
Jim joined his friend and soon became a trainer, helping to grow the studio into one of the most successful training facilities in St. Louis. He stayed there for 22 years until he opened his own training studio in 2015.
When Jim opened his business, he knew a lot about fitness and personal training, but he had no idea how to scale it up — he didn’t have the tools or the knowledge base to grow his business. As a result, he struggled. That is, until he discovered the Secret Trainer Society. There, he connected with valuable mentors in the industry. With their help and guidance, he put together a solid business plan focused on long-term growth and sustainability. And, ultimately, he accelerated his learning curve to create a thriving personal fitness training business.
Now, he wants to do the same for you.
The Masters in Fitness Business Podcast is a bi-weekly conversation with masters in the industry. People who will share their knowledge and expertise to give you the tools you need to create a successful, thriving business.